Our Standards & Our Creed


We promise to deliver top-notch economic and financial analysis, testimony, problem solving and creativity.

Quality Assured

We will provide only Premier Quality services. When and only when Premier Quality services have been rendered, we will charge a fair fee for what we have provided. You must be satisfied with the quality of our services (independent of the outcome of your case) or you do not owe a fee. If there is a question or concern in this regard, please contact us within 30 days of receipt of our invoice. We will make every effort to meet your expectations and resolve any issues.


As a corporate citizen, we will act in the community with the highest moral principles that we expect others to follow.


We know that your success and our success depends entirely upon our integrity.


We will treat each client as if our entire firm depends upon that client’s highest degree of satisfaction with our services.


We will treat each vendor with respect.


We recognize each staff member as a business partner in spirit. Our firm’s success in great part depends upon each member's satisfaction with his or her job.


We recognize that our work is a part of our life and each of us takes responsibility to take care of our whole life, at work and elsewhere.

University of
Chicago-trained Economist and
Financial Consultant


Stan V. Smith, Ph.D.

Dr. Smith and his team provide high quality strategies to educate a jury in economic valuation & analysis for fair awards.

© Smith Economics Group, Ltd. All rights reserved. | Tel. 312-943-1551 | Fax 312-943-1016 | Stan@SmithEconomics.com | 1165 N. Clark Street, Suite 600, Chicago, IL 60610