Start Engagement
Mr. Joe Attorney
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Re: ENGAGEMENT LETTER Case Name: Case Name
Dear Mr. Attorney:
This will confirm our agreement to provide economic, financial, and consulting services by the undersigned, and others where necessary, to your firm in connection with the above matter.
The attached statement of our Standards and Creed affirm that you must be satisfied with our services, or you do not owe a fee. Our rates and terms are specified in the Service and Billing Policy statements. By your signed acceptance of this letter agreement, you and we agree to accept these terms in this engagement. We represent attorneys in these matters and look to them solely for payment; we do not involve ourselves in their business relationship with their clients.
This agreement shall become binding upon receipt of a signed copy hereof and your retainer remittance in the amount of $1,250 payable to our firm at which time we can commence to render our services.
This retainer is an advance credit to future billings and may be less than the initial loss evaluation fee. Loss evaluation fees and testimony fees are discussed on the Billing Policy statement attached.
We recognize the unpredictable nature of court schedules and we commit to make every effort to accommodate your timetable.
Very truly yours,
Stan V. Smith, Ph.D. President
Accepted and agreed to on and as of this date:
By: ____________________________________________